Kod Aktivacii Dlya Igri Murmansk Vladivostok 2

  воскресенье 03 февраля

Port of Vladivostok in the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, the regime of in has been applied under the from 1861 to 1909. This special status efficiently contributed to the economical development of Vladivostok, which became one of the biggest ports in the world, commensurable to. In 1860, in order to develop the Far East, the Russian Government decided to assign the free port status to all the ports of Primoye.

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In 1900,, at this time Minister of Finances, canceled the free port regime in Vladivostok, because he thought that it affected the development of the, which was designed to unify the Empire. Moreover, even if it had allowed supplying first need products to the settlers in such a remote area as the Russian Far East, the free port regime had a considerable drawback: the supremacy of foreign products over national products in the whole country. However, facing hard commercial competition with, which had also been a free port since 1899, Vladivostok got back its status of free port in 1904; it corresponds to the loss of - also a free port - during the. The peace conditions offered by Russia to Japan in 1905 included maintaining the status of free port in Vladivostok.

The need to reduce Japanese influence in the Far East has been the reason invoked by newspapers to push up for the abolition of the free port status in Vladivostok in 1909. Actually, the abolition of the status was already discussed in 1906.

Vladivostok's authorities called many times for the restoration of the free port status, without success. Free port of 2015 [ ] Attribution [ ] The project was intended to improve the cross-border commerce, to develop the transport infrastructures and to integrate the in the world transportation routes; its purpose is also to attract investors, to create a network of logistic centers for transportation, storage and partial transformation of the goods, in order to foster the organisation of local industries working on the exportation of manufactured goods to create added value.

Geography [ ] The new status will be applied to 15 municipalities of Primorsky Krai. It includes major ports of the South of, from to, as well as.

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The free port zone is crossed by the future international transportation corridors 'Primorie-1' and 'Primorie-2'. Their realization would have a significant economical effect on the zone, ensuring transit of goods from North-East of China to the free ports of Russian Far East. History and legislation [ ] The federal law N° 473-FZ of December 29 of 2014, prepared by the allowed to take special measures in order to create a free zone. In December 2014, proposed to grant the status of free port to Vladivostok to the. The federal law N°212-FZ «of Vladivostok free port» has been signed by the President of the Russian Federation on July 13 of 2015; the law is effective from October 12 of 2015. The law specifies that the free port regime in Vladivostok will last for 70 years, and that the period could be renewed by an additional law.

According to Alexander Galushki, Minister of the Development of Russian Far East, the law has been prepared with the help of representatives of the civil society, experts and entrepreneurs. Tens of public consultations in different places (Moscow, Far East) have been organized, including a lecture at the. All in all, the preparation of the law mobilized more than 700 experts, and many interesting propositions have been taken into account during its writing. Specificities of the free port [ ]. Descriptive scheme of Vladivostok free port. Vladivostok's free port is ruled by a juridic system benefiting the business and investment activities.