2d Composite Transformation Program In Computer Graphics Using C

  пятница 15 февраля

Problem Definition: Write a program to implement 2-D Transformations viz., (a) Translation (b) Rotation (c) Scaling for an Object. #include #include #include #include void main(){ int x1=200,y1=200,x2=250,y2=250,x3=180,y3=270,option; int gdriver = DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,”C: TC BGI”); do{ cleardevice(); gotoxy(1,1); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); line(x2,y2,x3,y3); line(x3,y3,x1,y1); cout>option; switch(option){ case 1: float tx,ty; cout>tx>>ty; x1+=tx;x2+=tx;x3+=tx; y1+=ty;y2+=ty;y3+=ty; break; case 2: float sx,sy.

If a point (x, y, z) is rotated through angle θ about x – axis to a new point (x’, y’, z’) then the new point is calculated as y’ = y cosθ – z sinθ z’ = y sinθ + z cosθ x’ = x About y – axis z’ = z cosθ – x sinθ x’ = z sinθ + x cosθ y’ = y About z – axis x’ = x cosθ – y sinθ y’ = x sinθ + y cosθ z’ = z Scaling Scaling with respect a selected fixed position (xf, yf, zf) can be represented with the following transformation sequence: 1. Translate the fixed point to the origin 2.

Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes, 'Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice', Chapter 5 One of the most common and important tasks in computer graphics is to transform the coordinates ( position, orientation, and size ) of either objects within the graphical scene or the camera that is viewing the scene.

Scale the object relative to the coordinate origin 3. Chertezh korablya hms victorySubtitle indonesia the wig 2005 dodge jeep. Translate the fixed point back to its original position The equations for this sequence of transformation is (where s is scaling factor) x’ = x * s + (1 – s) * xf y’ = y *s + (1 – s) * yf z’ = z * s + (1 – s) * zf Source Code.