The Oracle Dataaccess Client Is Not Installed

  воскресенье 30 декабря

ORA-12504: TNS listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA; These errors could occur if either the Oracle client is not installed, or if it is not configured properly. If it is installed, you will want to verify the tnsnames.ora file is properly configured and you are using the proper net_service_name.

Download echolink receiver software Hi suparn1904, suparn1904 I have Oracle 10g installed on my machine. Error: Unable to find the requested.Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. In order to resolve your issue above, you need to do it as follows: 1. Please make sure that you have installed.

Dalam aplikasi ini sudah disediakan komponen komponen dasar seperti resistor, kapasitor, op amp, dll. Dengan begitu kita dapat merangkai skema yang akan kita buat (misalkan rangkaian RLC) lalu mensimulasikannya, sehingga kita dapat melihat arus yang mengalir pada rangkaian tersebut. Arus listrik searah.

Please try to check that the correct assembly was installed in the GAC. Please try to add the following DbProviderFactory entry to the web.config.